
Zercurity has been acquired by JumpCloud.

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OS shared memory regions.

Platform support

Please be aware that some queries can only be run against certain platforms. Below is a list of the supported platforms that this query supports. Zercurity will automatically pause queries from running if errors are detected. Running a query against an unsupported platform will result in the following error: no such table: shared_memory

  • Linux

Table schema

Name Type Description
shmid INTEGER Shared memory segment ID
owner_uid BIGINT User ID of owning process
creator_uid BIGINT User ID of creator process
pid BIGINT Process ID to last use the segment
creator_pid BIGINT Process ID that created the segment
atime BIGINT Attached time
dtime BIGINT Detached time
ctime BIGINT Changed time
permissions TEXT Memory segment permissions
size BIGINT Size in bytes
attached INTEGER Number of attached processes
status TEXT Destination/attach status
locked INTEGER 1 if segment is locked else 0

Query examples

Select all the results for the given table.

SELECT * FROM shared_memory;