
Zercurity has been acquired by JumpCloud.

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WMI ActiveScriptEventConsumer, which can be used for persistence on Windows. See for more details.

Platform support

Please be aware that some queries can only be run against certain platforms. Below is a list of the supported platforms that this query supports. Zercurity will automatically pause queries from running if errors are detected. Running a query against an unsupported platform will result in the following error: no such table: wmi_script_event_consumers

  • Windows

Table schema

Name Type Description
name TEXT Unique identifier for the event consumer.
scripting_engine TEXT Name of the scripting engine to use, for example, ‘VBScript’. This property cannot be NULL.
script_file_name TEXT Name of the file from which the script text is read, intended as an alternative to specifying the text of the script in the ScriptText property.
script_text TEXT Text of the script that is expressed in a language known to the scripting engine. This property must be NULL if the ScriptFileName property is not NULL.
class TEXT The name of the class.
relative_path TEXT Relative path to the class or instance.

Query examples

select filter,consumer,query,scripting_engine,script_file_name,script_text, from wmi_script_event_consumers wsec left outer join wmi_filter_consumer_binding wcb on consumer = wsec.relative_path left outer join wmi_event_filters wef on wef.relative_path = wcb.filter;