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Drive information read by SMART controller utilizing autodetect.

Platform support

Please be aware that some queries can only be run against certain platforms. Below is a list of the supported platforms that this query supports. Zercurity will automatically pause queries from running if errors are detected. Running a query against an unsupported platform will result in the following error: no such table: smart_drive_info

  • Linux
  • Mac OSX

Table schema

Name Type Description
device_name TEXT Name of block device
disk_id INTEGER Physical slot number of device, only exists when hardware storage controller exists
driver_type TEXT The explicit device type used to retrieve the SMART information
model_family TEXT Drive model family
device_model TEXT Device Model
serial_number TEXT Device serial number
lu_wwn_device_id TEXT Device Identifier
additional_product_id TEXT An additional drive identifier if any
firmware_version TEXT Drive firmware version
user_capacity TEXT Bytes of drive capacity
sector_sizes TEXT Bytes of drive sector sizes
rotation_rate TEXT Drive RPM
form_factor TEXT Form factor if reported
in_smartctl_db INTEGER Boolean value for if drive is recognized
ata_version TEXT ATA version of drive
transport_type TEXT Drive transport type
sata_version TEXT SATA version, if any
read_device_identity_failure TEXT Error string for device id read, if any
smart_supported TEXT SMART support status
smart_enabled TEXT SMART enabled status
packet_device_type TEXT Packet device type
power_mode TEXT Device power mode
warnings TEXT Warning messages from SMART controller

Query examples

Select all the results for the given table.

SELECT * FROM smart_drive_info;