
Zercurity has been acquired by JumpCloud.

This documentation will no longer be maintained or updated. You can read more about the acquisition, or signup to JumpCloud today.


Zercurity keeps track of all of the assets within your company.

Table view

  • Status An asset can have 4 defined states; RED, ORANGE, GREEN and UNKNOWN. You can hover over the asset’s status icon to get a description on why its current state has been assigned.
    • RED Either the asset hasn’t been heard from in some time. It’s whitelist and blacklist definitions are very out of date. Or lastly, the asset has either been miss-configuration, malware has been detected or the asset has made connections to known-bad domains/IPs.
    • ORANGE The assets whitelist and blacklist definitions are 48 hours out-of-date. Or there is a bad configuration of the asset. Meaning that it’s no longer compliant.
    • GREEN Everything is a-ok!
    • UNKNOWN This asset is newly provisioned and is awaiting a status check.
  • Asset Type Whether the device is a; LAPTOP, DESKTOP, VM, SERVER
  • Name/Hostname The given name to an asset. You can change this at any time. By default, the assets serial number is used. The assets hostname is also provided.
  • Owner / Team The user who owns the asset. The team that this asset is a part of.
  • Serial/UUID The serial number of the asset as defined by the manufacturer. The UUID is generated at install time by Zercurity. Zercurity will attempt to use the system’s UUID if one is provided. The primary disks UUID or lastly generate a random UUID.
  • Last checkin This is the date and time the asset last checked in. Which means the last time the asset called home.
  • Definitions This is the date and time that the asset last downloaded the whitelist and blacklist definitions.


This is Zercurity’s asset view. It’ll give you an overview of your deployed asset. At the top of the page there are three sections dedicated to information about the systems hardware and software configuration including its IP address and location.


Below are subsections detailing each aspect of an asset, they include: