signature ========= File (executable, bundle, installer, disk) code signing status. Platform support ---------------- Please be aware that some queries can only be run against certain platforms. Below is a list of the supported platforms that this query supports. Zercurity will automatically pause queries from running if errors are detected. **Running a query against an unsupported platform will result in the following error:** ``no such table: signature`` - Mac OSX Table schema ------------ =============== ======= ============================================================= Name Type Description =============== ======= ============================================================= path TEXT Must provide a path or directory hash_resources INTEGER Set to 1 to also hash resources, or 0 otherwise. Default is 1 arch TEXT If applicable, the arch of the signed code signed INTEGER 1 If the file is signed else 0 identifier TEXT The signing identifier sealed into the signature cdhash TEXT Hash of the application Code Directory team_identifier TEXT The team signing identifier sealed into the signature authority TEXT Certificate Common Name =============== ======= ============================================================= Query examples -------------- .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM signature WHERE path = '/bin/ls' .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM signature WHERE path = '/Applications/' AND hash_resources=0 .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM (SELECT path, MIN(signed) AS all_signed, MIN(CASE WHEN authority = 'Software Signing' AND signed = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS all_signed_by_apple FROM signature WHERE path LIKE '/bin/%' GROUP BY path);