os_version ========== A single row containing the operating system name and version. Platform support ---------------- Please be aware that some queries can only be run against certain platforms. Below is a list of the supported platforms that this query supports. Zercurity will automatically pause queries from running if errors are detected. **Running a query against an unsupported platform will result in the following error:** ``no such table: os_version`` - Windows - Linux - Mac OSX - Free BSD Table schema ------------ ============= ======= ============================================= Name Type Description ============= ======= ============================================= name TEXT Distribution or product name version TEXT Pretty, suitable for presentation, OS version major INTEGER Major release version minor INTEGER Minor release version patch INTEGER Optional patch release build TEXT Optional build-specific or variant string platform TEXT OS Platform or ID platform_like TEXT Closely related platforms codename TEXT OS version codename ============= ======= ============================================= Query examples -------------- Select all the results for the given table. .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM os_version;