apps ==== OS X applications installed in known search paths (e.g., /Applications). Platform support ---------------- Please be aware that some queries can only be run against certain platforms. Below is a list of the supported platforms that this query supports. Zercurity will automatically pause queries from running if errors are detected. **Running a query against an unsupported platform will result in the following error:** ``no such table: apps`` - Mac OSX Table schema ------------ ====================== ====== =================================================== Name Type Description ====================== ====== =================================================== name TEXT Name of the folder path TEXT Absolute and full path bundle_executable TEXT Info properties CFBundleExecutable label bundle_identifier TEXT Info properties CFBundleIdentifier label bundle_name TEXT Info properties CFBundleName label bundle_short_version TEXT Info properties CFBundleShortVersionString label bundle_version TEXT Info properties CFBundleVersion label bundle_package_type TEXT Info properties CFBundlePackageType label environment TEXT Application-set environment variables element TEXT Does the app identify as a background agent compiler TEXT Info properties DTCompiler label development_region TEXT Info properties CFBundleDevelopmentRegion label display_name TEXT Info properties CFBundleDisplayName label info_string TEXT Info properties CFBundleGetInfoString label minimum_system_version TEXT Minimum version of OS X required for the app to run category TEXT The UTI that categorizes the app for the App Store applescript_enabled TEXT Info properties NSAppleScriptEnabled label copyright TEXT Info properties NSHumanReadableCopyright label last_opened_time DOUBLE The time that the app was last used ====================== ====== =================================================== Query examples -------------- Select all the results for the given table. .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM apps;