.. include:: /includes.txt ================ VMware (vSphere) ================ Deploying Zercurity to VMware is fairly straightforward. If you've deployed an OVA before you can just use the URL provided by your account rep to deploy the OVA and you can skip ahead to starting Zercurity. The OVA is supported on VMWare ESX 5.5 and higher, VMware workstation 10.x and VMware Fusion 6.x. To deploy an OVA right click on either your datacenter or group and click **"Deploy OVF Template..."** .. image:: /_static/onprem_vmware_01.png The first step of the process is to provide the URL of the OVA. This URL will provided to you by your account rep but will look similar to the one in the screenshot below. .. image:: /_static/onprem_vmware_02.png The next steps will be specific to your setup but not dissimilar to deploying a Virtual machine. Follow the steps carefully when promoted about your deployment location, disk settings and networking. On the final setup of the process your configuration should look similar to this. .. image:: /_static/onprem_vmware_03.png When you **Finish** the setup the OVA will take a while to download and deploy. You can follow the status of the deployment through the VMware task manager. Once the OVA has finished deploying start the newly created VM. SSH is enabled by default. **open-vm-tools** is also installed so you'll be able to see the IP leased to your new VM. .. code-block:: bash ssh admin@ The default password is **ytirucrez** which is Zercurity backwards. The **root** password is **toor**. We obviously recommend you change the default passwords as well as using your certificate though `authorized_keys` instead to authenticate. .. include:: ../systemctl.txt Common issues ============= When deploying the Zercurity OVA there might be some issues you run into due to OVA versions and compatibility. Power on failures ----------------- When starting the VM you might get the error **"No host is compatible with virtual machine, the guest operating system 'debian9_64Guest' is not supported."** This can be quickly remedied by changing the guest OS configuration in ESXi to something more akin to Debian 9. .. image:: /_static/onprem_vmware_pof_01.png Given the Zercurity VM select **"Edit Settings"** -> **"VM Options"** you should see something like this. Under **"General options"** change the **"Guest OS"** to **"Linux"** and the **"Guest OS version"** to **"Debian 9 (64-bit)"** or as close as you can get to that OS release. .. image:: /_static/onprem_vmware_pof_02.png